Knowing When to Euthanize a Pet with Cancer

Discovering that your pet has been diagnosed with cancer can be devastating. As a loving pet parent, you want hold on to that special relationship as long as possible. However, it’s also important to consider the comfort level and quality of life of your pet with cancer when wrestling with such a difficult decision.Cancer in pets comes in many different forms and impacts different systems of the body in different ways. Some can metastasize in the body quickly, while other forms may remain local. If you are considering whether or not euthanasia is the right choice for your pet with cancer, you will want to answer the following questions:

  • Where is the cancer located?
  • Has the cancer spread?
  • What are the available treatment options for this type of cancer?
  • What is the cost of treatment?
  • What’s the long-term prognosis for my pet?
  • What is the quality of life associated with the disease?

Answering these questions will help you make a better-informed decision on what is the best option for your pet. If your pet is older, expensive surgeries or invasive treatments may be less appealing, especially if the long-term prognosis is not good. Whatever the facts, deciding whether or not to euthanize a pet is a highly personal decision so you want to be sure you are at peace with whatever you decide.While euthanasia is a decision many pet parents face, pet hospice is an option that is has become popular among those caring for a pet with cancer. These palliative treatments aim to make a suffering pet as comfortable as possible. Dr. Christina and Gentle Journey have compassionately been helping manage pain for pets with cancer in the Greater Phoenix area for years. If you would like to learn more about this service, please give us a call at 602-332-7757.


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